Saturday, January 14, 2012

I got the final version of my cover art today! I am headed over to PubIt to upload everything. Hopefully Creole Escape will be up for sale by Monday!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I've been writing nearly nonstop since I got home from work. Concentrating at work was difficult with the storyline running amok in there. I managed to jot down a few notes, but not as many as I would have liked.

I'm still waiting to hear back on my cover art. It should be done by the end of the week! I can't wait!

I'm also looking into different ebook sites to sign up for. I would like to market my novel to as many places as I can. After all, not everyone goes to the same bookstore, right?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Been writing since I got home. New characters, new story arcs, new setting, etc. It's refreshing to have multiple projects to work on at once...and stressful as well! Sometimes I work on three or more different stories in one day. Other times I can't find one that fits what's coming out of my imagination.

Like today. On the drive in to work, the fog was really heavy. My commute passes a lot of wooded areas, and I could see the mist between the trees. A scene immediately formed in my mind. I got to work and jotted a few notes down so I wouldn't forget. When I finally got around to expanding on the scene, I couldn't figure out where to put it. It doesn't really fit anything I'm writing right now! lol

But never fear! I will find a proper place for the scene, or build a story around it. It all depends upon where my muses lead me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Been a while! Loads of stuff going on in life right now. Of course there was the holiday craziness, and, to be completely honest, I had a PEBKAC moment. (PEBKAC= problem exists between keyboard and chair). I couldn't figure out how to log back in to my blog.
So totally laughing at myself right now about that.

Anyway, today's news is: I am officially going to take the leap of self-publishing. I have signed up for PubIt by Barnes and Noble and have a very good friend working on my cover art. I look to have Creole Escape published as an ebook by mid-January! (happy dance!!)

So! Now that I've figured out how to get back to my blog (and bookmarked the page for when I forget again lol) I'll be on more often with updates on what's coming out and stories in the works.

Hope you had a great December holiday and a very happy New Year!