Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

It's getting rather late tonight and all I want to do is write. BUT I have to be up early to be at work tomorrow morning so I thought I'd wrap up a few things before I forced myself away from the computer...

I finished the last proof of Creole Escape today and submitted one last time for approval. I am not proofing it again. As soon as it's approved by Createspace, I will order my proof, approve the online proof, and then put it up for sale! I will let you know exactly when the paperback version is available for sale!!

I have recently rewritten a couple scenes for Waking Up. They were scenes that needed to be revamped because they just didn't suit the story or just didn't seem...right! I am still shooting for a December release for Waking Up. More on that project as it develops...

I have a new blog up chronicling my RPG (Role Playing Games for you who don't speak gamer geek) group's current adventures. I get a lot of my inspiration from the group, and would like to write the stories that come out of our DM's mind. I take notes by computer every session and compiled a huge file from the last adventure that I began to convert into a coherent storyline (my notes definitely do NOT tell the whole story!) but I ended up not finishing the conversion since I was busy with other projects.

So I decided that taking the adventure piece by piece is better than trying to tackle it all at once after the adventure's complete. So far it's working great! Go on over to Dice vs DMs and see what that's all about!

As always, don't forget to like my Facebook page if you haven't already! Author Amber Manuel

Hope you had a great Fourth of July!

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