Thursday, October 17, 2013

Honorable Mention

I recently (a couple months ago) entered Waking Up into the 21st Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards contest. 
I promptly put it out of my mind. I knew that if I thoight about it, I would drive myself bonkers while waiting for October 14th to FINALLY roll around. 
October 14th came...and went without notification. I knew I hadn't won because the contest clearly stated that all winners would be notified no later than October 14th. 
Okay, whatever. I know the rejection game. I didn't expect to win though I had fervently hoped, of course! 
Then I receieved an email stating that I would receive a judge's commentary on my novel sometime before December 31st. Another waiting game. That's cool, I have plenty of patience. 
Then I got the commentary. I read it. I teared up. I read it again. I forwarded copies to my mom, my husband, and my two best friends. I read it again with tears in my eyes. I printed out a copy and showed it to a coworker. I read it again. 

"The writing crackles with suspense and excitement, and tells a fascinating story... The crosscutting of scenes and shifting between viewpoints is cinematic in nature, and so this book would lend itself quite well to being filmed commercially." Judge, Writer's Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards 

I am simply stunned. I figured my commentary would be filled with criticism. To be sure, the judge did give some awesome constructive criticism that I am taking to heart for present and future projects. 
But she or he took the time to compliment as well. Not only that, but they said that my story would "lend itself quite well to being filmed..." Filmed! 
Of course I have dreamed of potentially having a novel or story of mine on television or even the big screen (I like to dream big) but to have someone suggest it is beyond my wildest aspirations! 
And so I'm off to incorporate their suggestions for making Waking Up better  into the story and other stories as well. 
And then...I'm going to attempt to traverse the traditional publishing route again!