Friday, March 29, 2013


And the winner of the random drawing is... Post # 4, Tami, for sharing on Pinterest!!

Tami, please email me your contact info at so I can get your FREE autographed copy of Waking Up sent to you!!

Thanks for playing and CONGRATS!!

Note: if prize is not claimed within a week from this posting, it goes back into the prize pool.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Guess what?! 


You heard me - I'm giving away an AUTOGRAPHED paperback copy of Waking Up

Here's the RULES:

1. Go to Waking Up on (click here)
2. a) If you've already read it, REVIEW it!
    b) If you haven't read it, SHARE it!

Facebook, Twitter, it doesn't matter as long as it's shared! (the more the better!!) 

3. Post a comment to this blog with a link to your share and/or review. I like a visual. ;-)  
4. You will be assigned a number according to your number in the posts below. So if you posted the first one, you are #1, and so on.

All the numbers will be entered into a random number generator. If your number is pulled, you WIN!! 

Contest ENDS in 2 weeks on March 29! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Questioning My Conviction

2013 has so far been a tough year. I won't get into details but suffice it to say that I've had enough stress that I'm ready for a vacation.

I began to wonder what I was doing with my life. While I enjoy my day job, I was beginning to realize that something was missing from it.

What was it missing? Passion.

You heard me. Passion. Do what you like and you'll like what you do, someone once told me, but I think he wasn't focusing on the bigger picture.

Do what you love, what you're passionate about, and you'll love what you do, even on bad days.

So I got to thinking about it and it occurred to me that I have never had one thing that I was passionate about. Oh, I did many things growing up - sports, band, choir, ROTC - but I never felt that any of those things were something that I couldn't live without.

I called my mom to ask her if there was something that I just *had* to do when I was younger. Not something like the soccer league I was on that, while I enjoyed it, it was just something to do to pass the time. Playing the French Horn was the same thing. I did it because 1) it was something that was pretty fun and 2) in a family where all the guys play an instrument and mom sings gorgeously, I definitely felt I was expected to to something musical!

Anyway, mom thought about it for a moment and said, you were always playing pretend, using your imagination.

Huh. Go figure.

Guess I never really grew up, then, because what it writing fiction if not a form of playing pretend?

And writing is something I feel is necessary to who I am. If I don't write, there is something wrong. Or it's tax season, which always saps all the energy out of me lol!

Maybe the blog is slightly misnamed. My passion is for writing, and my favored genre just happens to be romance.

And I guess I am doing what I love, what I'm passionate about.

Now if I could just figure out a way to work that into my day job...