Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Romantic Heart

       Writing the next Dice vs. DMs blog is going to hurt my romantic heart. I don't want to spoil it, but it makes me very sad to write out what happened in yesterday's game session. I don't know what I'd do in their shoes, but I have a feeling it would be something similar. 

      Does it take a tender heart to write romances? A couple weeks ago I killed off a character in a storyline and bawled my eyes out while I did it. It hurt as bad as if I had gone through a breakup and maybe it was. I get so attached to characters that it's difficult to see them leave, even more difficult to force them to leave. It's hard to know when to put down the pen and leave them alone, or pick up the pen and write something nasty into their lives. 

     But that's part of being a writer. I find that when I can't control something, I turn to my stories because I can control them. I can control how the people feel as I manipulate their lives. 

     But in the end, I want them all to be happy (except the bad guys. The bad guys should be in jail or dead). 

     Anyway, I know that if I don't finish writing the other blog today, I won't before the next game. So I'd better run do that, even though my heart breaks for the in particular...