Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Greatest Feeling

I never expected to feel this way. I have had a handful of people tell me how much they enjoyed Creole Escape and each one gives me such a high!

The whole process - writing the scenes, piecing them together, having the story critiqued and edited, getting the cover just right, getting the formatting and copyrighting sorted out - all of the building up was to the big climax I wasn't certain I would ever see: seeing my story in print. That was such a high!

And then the feedback. Even something that could be construed as negative is awesome! People are reading what I wrote, something that is purely from my mind! 

It is the greatest feeling!  

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter! to those of you who celebrate it. To those of you who don't: Happy Bunny Who Lays Eggs Day!

Just a little news: The advertisement is going in a local dance group's program, which will support my nieces and hopefully earn me more exposure. Excited about that!!

My Facebook website is really hot, going up 20 likes in a little more than two days earlier this week! I am sending off autographed copies of the cover like crazy - see my Facebook page for details on how to get yours!